[ANN] PEP 279 version 1.7

Raymond Hettinger python@rcn.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:00:44 -0500

PEP 279 -- Enhanced Generators has been updated:

Comments are invited on the revised PEP.

The changes were driven by comments from GvR,
from the authors of PEP 255, and from members of
the Py-Dev maillist.

There changes from version 1.6 to version 1.7 were the
addition of comments from Magnus Lie Hetland and the
repair a typo in the code.

The principal changes from version 1.5 to version 1.6 are:

1.  Rationale section focused on generator usage instead
of lazy evaluation.

2.  The proposal for four builtins has been reduced to one.
Xzip, xfilter, and xmap are retracted.  Expanded the discussion
of the remaining proposed builtin, indexed().

3.  All sections expanded to include comments received
from GvR and the PEP 255 authors (the experts on the
existing generator implementation).

4.  Proposal for generator exception passing moved up
one section.

5.  Proposal for generator parameter passing listed as
deferred -- everyone thinks this may be a viable idea
but it doesn't have a chance in the near-term.

6.  The restartability discussion has been deleted -- Guido
thought it was evil.

Raymond Hettinger