[ANN] Frowns Chemoinformatics System 0.2 released

Brian Kelley bkelley@wi.mit.edu
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 17:12:43 -0500

Frowns is a chemoinformatics system written almost entirely in python.

New features in version 0.2
    * Poor depiction of arbitrary molecules! *NEW*
      requires installing GraphViz from AT&T
    * Bug fixes in aromaticity perception, non ring-bonds
      are no longer modified.

Frowns currently includes the following features
    * Smiles parser
    * Smarts substructure searching (using the bindings to VFLIB)
    * SD file parser with SD field manipulations
    * Depiction for SD files with coordinates
    * Molecule Fingerprint generation
    * Several forms of Ring Detection available
    * Simple aromaticity perception
    * Full source code

You can download the latest version of frowns at 
Or you can just skim the tutorial at 

This software reimplements some of the functionality of the Daylight 
toolkits but it is not meant as a replacement.  Daylight's code has 
higher performance, commercial support, more users, more complete 
testing, documentation, industry backing, and a cool set of people 
working for them.  Plus, you can run PyDaylight located at 
http://www.dalkescientific.com/PyDaylight/ if you don't like the C API.

Given that, you may want to use FROWNS if you;

    * are interested in the implementation details of chemical
      information software
    * want to teach same
    * have ideas that can't be implemented in the Daylight toolkit (new
      types of ring or aromaticity perception, support for different
      operating systems and platforms, etc.)
    * don't have the financial resources for the Daylight tools
    * just plain can't stand the idea of non-free software
    * have nothing better to do in your free time.

Brian Kelley
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research