ANN: Numarray-0.3.4

Todd Miller
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 18:14:30 -0400

Numarray 0.3.4

Numarray is an array processing package designed to efficiently
manipulate large multi-dimensional arrays.  Numarray is modelled after
Numeric and features c-code generated from python template scripts,
the capacity to operate directly on arrays in files, and improved type

Version 0.3.4 implements the following new features:

1) Support for Int64 arrays on Alpha/Tru64.  These are now the default
integer type on Alpha/Tru64.

2) Better Numeric compatability in terms of the array() function 
parameters and typecode handling.

3) Ports of Numeric's FFT, RandomArray, and LinearAlgebra packages as
FFT2, RandomArray2, and LinearAlgebra2.  These names are likely to
change in the future as they are better packaged.

4) Support for pickling of numarrays, chararrays, and recarrays.

5) Bugfixes

For the astronomers out there, Numarray-0.3.4 supports PyFITS-0.7.2.

Numarray-0.3.4 windows executable installers and source code tar ball is 

Numarray is hosted by Source Forge in the same project which hosts Numeric:

The web page for Numarray information is at:

Trackers for Numarray Bugs, Feature Requests, Support, and Patches are 
at the Source Forge project for NumPy at:


numarray-0.3.4 requires Python 2.0 or greater.


Numarray was written by Perry Greenfield, Rick White, Todd Miller, JC
Hsu, Paul Barrett, Phil Hodge at the Space Telescope Science
Institute.  Thanks go to Jochen Kupper of the University of North
Carolina for his work on Numarray and for porting the Numarray manual
to TeX format.

Numarray is made available under a BSD-style License.  See
LICENSE.txt in the source distribution for details.

Todd Miller