ANN: 2.4

Edward K. Ream
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 23:42:18 GMT

> Announcing 2.4:

Several people have reminded me that I neglected to mention what Leo is. is:

1. A literate programming tool, compatible with noweb and CWEB. Leo
features automatic tangling and untangling of derived files.
2. An outlining editor. Outlines provide scope for section references.
Conversely, extensions to noweb take advantage of outline structure.  A
single Leo outline can generate multiple derived files.
3. A programmer's editor and a flexible browser for projects, programs,
classes or data.  Leo supports multiple windows, syntax colorizing for
many languages, powerful outline commands, unlimited Undo/Redo and an
integrated Python shell(IDLE) window.
4. A project manager. Leo provides multiple views of a project within a
single outline. Leo naturally represents tasks that remain up-to-date. 
People use Leo to manage web sites.
5. Fully scriptable using Python.
6. Portable. is a 100% pure Python program. will work on
any platform that supports Python 2.x and the Tk toolkit v8.x.
was developed with Python 2.2 and Tk 8.3.2.
7. Compatible with v2.7 of the Borland/Windows version of Leo.
8. Open Software, distributed under the Python License.
9. Fully supported.  Leo's SourceForge site is at:

Edward K. Ream
Edward K. Ream   email:
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines