ANNOUNCE: Sancho 0.1 (unit testing framework) released

Neil Schemenauer
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 15:40:42 -0400

Version 0.1 of the Sancho unit testing framework is now available.  
Sancho is the unit test module that we use at the MEMS Exchange.
Among the features it supports are:

      * Simple and relatively straightforward to use
      * Several different test functions: test_stmt, test_val, test_type, etc.
      * Optionally displays the code coverage of a test suite
      * Includes a script for running all test suites in a directory tree

The Sancho home page is at:

The code can be downloaded from:

There's no mailing list for Sancho, but you can discuss it on the 
quixote-users mailing list:

Neil Schemenauer <> | MEMS Exchange
Software Engineer                        |