pyCGNS v0.5

Marc Poinot
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 15:58:58 +0200

pyCGNS is a python wrapper on CGNS, the CFD General Notation System.
This is a specialized package for data representation and storage
for Computational Fluid Dynamics applications and tools.
This new pyCGNS release is up to date with CGNS v2.1 version.
Downloads, docs and extra stuff in


 - a simple wrapper on top of ADF calls and MLL calls
 - an attempt to an Object-oriented interface to CGNS mid-level lib
 - all data arrays are Python Numeric Arrays
 - tests and demos for ADF/CGNS
   - some User's Guide to CGNS examples, a naca0012 sample, etc...
   - a tree parser demo with an XML tree output, date stamps...
   - tests on ADF, MLL and SIDS calls (not 100% coverage so far)

# v0.5 CHANGES:

- Change imports, now use a single one: import CGNS
- Stabilize path and node classes in SIDS (still experimental, see doc)
- Continue to wrap MLL (not tested)
- Update to new versions of CGNS/ADF and Python
- Update + automatize doc
- Correct some bugs, more testing
- Now use subversion (

 Marc POINOT             Alias: marcvs        Email:
 ONERA -MFE/DSNA/ELSA    Tel:  Info:
 29, Div. Leclerc        Fax:  Site:     
 92322 Chatillon FRANCE  Project: elsA        Web: