[Application] Connect Four 1.0

DanielP.Clark DanielP.Clark
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 21:49:10 -0500 (EST)

                            Connect Four 1.0                            

The classic 2 player Connect Four game!

The complete version of Connect Four, includes sound effects, and player
scoring. You have a thin box you slide pieces in, each player slides in
their own piece, trying to get four in a row, top to bottom, left to
right, or diagonal.

       URL:  http://members.christhost.com/6ftdan/Connect_Four/

   License:  GPL
  Platform:  Win32
  Requires:  PyGame
  Binaries:  Win32
       Gui:  PyGame

  Categories:  Games

Daniel P. Clark (flaminglinux@yahoo.com)

<a href="http://members.christhost.com/6ftdan/Connect_Four/">Connect
Four 1.0</a> -- The classic 2 player Connect Four game!