[Module] pygsl

Achim Gädke achimgaedke@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 09:14:42 -0500 (EST)


python interface to the GNU scientific library

Some features, that are provided:

module pygsl.sf: with 200 special functions
module pygsl.const: with 206 often used mathematical and scientific
module pygsl.ieee: access to the ieee-arithmetics layer of gsl
module pygsl.rng: provides several random number generators and
different probability densities

pygsl-0.0.4 is suitable for python2.2 and gsl-1.0

       URL:  http://pygsl.sourceforge.net
  Download:  http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=34743

   License:  GPL

  Categories:  Math

Achim Gädke (achimgaedke@users.sourceforge.net)

<a href="http://pygsl.sourceforge.net">pygsl</a> -- python interface to
the GNU scientific library