ANN: ReportLab Demo Download

Andy Robinson
Wed, 09 Jan 2002 00:37:03 GMT

The ReportLab Demo is now available for download.

Packaged as a single Windows installer, this demo includes both

commercial and Open Source tools for creating and manipulating PDF

files in a variety of ways.   This enables people without a prior

installation of Python to try out and begin exploring our tools.

Included are:

* reportlab: our free, Open Source toolkit for producing PDF files

from the Python scripting language

* RML2PDF: our easy to use enterprise reporting solution allows

you to write files in Report Markup Language (RML, our simple,

high-level XML dialect) and convert them into PDF

* PageCatcher: allows you to reuse existing PDF files or elements

of existing PDF files in a range of flexible ways

* Other useful tools including

Preppy: a small, versatile text pre-processor (JSP/ASP-like)

PythonPoint: generates PDF slides from simple XML

* Python: the general purpose scripting language (Windows v2.1.1)

* support files, examples, tests and documentation for the above.

(RML2PDF & PageCatcher are evaluation versions of commercial software)

The ReportLab demo provides you with Enterprise-level solutions

you can try from your desktop. Everything in it is proven

technology; elements have been in production use in high

volume environments for major financial institutions for

over a year.

Using these products, you can create and use PDFs in ways you never

though possible: dynamically insert text and images from a range

of sources, create new PDFs (from a low level canvas or high level

XML) equally easily from your desktop or a server, overlay new

content on existing PDFs, re-order pages, do conditional flow in

dynamic-created documents...

To download the ReportLab Demo, go to our web site:

(Platform: Windows. File size: 6.4 Mb)

For more information:

web site:


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