ANN: Pygame 1.4 Released

Pete Shinners
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 06:42:06 GMT

Pygame, game development for python

Pygame 1.4 released on January 31, 2001
Pete Shinners (

Pygame is a set of python modules written to help create games in
Python. It allows for the creation of high quality games, yet is also 
simple enough for the beginning user to get started immediately.

Version 1.4 adds support for Mac OSX. There are also many small
bugfixes and enhancements. For example pygame windows have default
icons, more flexible function arguments, and finer control over
cdrom audio playback.

Note that building pygame for yourself on OSX is still problematic
as the latest versions of SDL and Python have bugs on this platform.
These problems should be taken care of in following releases. In
the meantime, look for a complete binary download of pygame and
it's fixed dependencies.

For those new to the pygame library, it includes:
   * fullscreen or windowed framebuffer
   * multiple audio channel mixing, with streaming music
   * control of joystick, cdrom, mouse, and keyboard devices
   * antialiased truetype font rendering
   * variety of media formats: png, jpg, ogg, mp3, mod, and more

The pygame package also comes with complete documentation,
tutorials, and many playable examples. There is both an active
mailing list and irc channel available to help people get started.

Pygame is distributed under the LGPL licese, which is the same
license used by many its dependencies.