[Application] EarltMath 0.1

Martin Clough mtclough@mclough.uklinux.net
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:04:03 -0500 (EST)

                             EarltMath 0.1                              

EarlyMath is an arithmetic practice program for 5-7 year olds.

EarlyMath is for practicing arithmetic for 5 to 7 year old children -
Key Stage 1 in UK education-speak. The program presents random problems
at a range of levels.

EarlyMath is written in Python using the PyQt toolkit.

       URL:  http://www.mclough.uklinux.net/EarlyMath.html
  Download:  http://www.mclough.uklinux.net/EarlyMath-0.1.tar.gz

   License:  GPL
  Requires:  PyQT, QT
       Gui:  PyQT

  Categories:  Applications

Martin Clough (mtclough@mclough.uklinux.net)

<a href="http://www.mclough.uklinux.net/EarlyMath.html">EarltMath 0.1</a>
-- EarlyMath is an arithmetic practice program for 5-7 year olds.