EDDIE-Tool 0.31 Released

Chris Miles chris@psychofx.com
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:15:50 +0000

EDDIE-Tool 0.31 has just been released.

What is it ?
  The EDDIE-Tool is an intelligent UNIX monitoring tool
  written entirely in Python.  It provides system, network
  and security monitoring features, with an extensive
  configuration facility for defining customized monitoring

What is new ?
  Major new features added are directive dependencies,
  programmable action call periods, and access to previously
  collected data within directive rules. Also many more smaller
  updates such as improved Linux memory and swap usage
  statistics, more file checks, and support for remote SMTP servers. 

Why is it interesting to Python users ?
  Besides system and network administrators, Python users may
  find EDDIE-Tool interesting as it is an example of a threaded,
  multi-platform software package, providing easy access to
  system statistics and using Python's power to offer a dynamic
  and programmable rules engine.


Chris Miles