[Application] Yarrow RGTP client 1.2.0 released

Thomas Thurman thomas@thurman.org.uk
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 09:16:16 +0000

Yarrow 1.2.0 released

Yarrow is a web CGI front end to the RGTP message board protocol,
as used on the Cambridge GROGGS system, for Linux and compatible
systems. It includes an RGTP back end that can be used by other
Python-based clients.

New in this version:
 * Distutils-based installation script.
 * HTTP compression support and basic caching support.
 * If the user has sufficient permission on the RGTP server, they
   may change the message of the day and edit the user database.
 * All reliance on static HTTP content is removed, making
   installation simpler. All CSS is included within the HTML.
 * Enhancements for those running text-only browsers.
 * Tidying and bug fixing.

You can download it from:

CVS web access at:

You can experiment with an installed version at:

Screenshots at:

Manual at:

Yarrow is implemented in Python, and released under the GNU General
Public License.