[Module] TreeWidgets 1.0a1

Matt Gushee mgushee@havenrock.com
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 20:09:52 -0400 (EDT)

                           TreeWidgets 1.0a1                            

A general-purpose Tkinter tree widget library.

TreeWidgets is a Python-Tkinter library that provides general-purpose
tree widgets. I decided to write it because I found that, though there
are several Tkinter tree widgets available, the ones I have tried were
all designed to work with one particular type of data structure, and
were hard to adapt to other data structure.

       URL:  http://www.havenrock.com/developer/treewidgets/index.html

   License:  BSD Style
       Gui:  Tkinter

  Categories:  Tkinter Widgets, XML

Matt Gushee (mgushee@havenrock.com)

<a href="http://www.havenrock.com/developer/treewidgets/index.html">TreeWidgets
1.0a1</a> -- A general-purpose Tkinter tree widget library.