spyce v1.1.39

Rimon Barr Rimon Barr <barr@cs.cornell.edu>
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 12:36:10 -0400 (EDT)

SPYCE - Server Python Pages

SPYCE is a webserver plugin that supports simple and efficient
Python-based dynamic HTML scripting. Those who like Python and are
familiar with JSP, or PHP, or ASP, should have a look at this engine. It
allows one to generate dynamic HTML content just as easily, using Python
for the dynamic parts. Its modular design makes it very flexible and
extensible. It supports FastCGI, CGI, mod_python and proxying to plugin
into Apache and most other webservers. It can also be used as a
command-line utility for HTML pre-processing.

v1.1.39 released on 25 August 2002.

Get it at:

Most important changes since last posting (v1.1.29):
  - added a modular filter mechanism to the response output stream
  - added compression module
  - renamed filter module to transform (name conflict with Python builtin)
  - implemented spyceDone exception handler for early termination
  - spyce web server implemented, for use as a proxy
  - response.close() deprecated
  - emit Status: header for CGI HTTP return codes
  - added various examples: hello2.spy, form.spy, ...
  - windows installer now configures and restarts apache
  - chdir in cgi mode, make sys.path absolute
  - request can be accessed as dictionary
  - many modules can be imported at once using names attribute
  - appended current Spyce file's directory to sys.path
  - external refresh redirect now uses url= in redirect string
  - lots of minor bug fixes
  - CVS junk removed from source tarball
  - live examples online at sourceforge
  - ability to invoke spyce engine programmatically

Partial change log:

  modified how filter module injects itself into output stream
  added response.addFilter() to allow piped functionality
    on the output stream, modules can insert write, writeStatic,
    writeExpr, flush and clear handlers
  added compress module for dynamic compression functionality
  compress module documentation
  renamed filter module to transform (name conflict with Python builtin)
  sys.path forced to be absolute before changing directory in CGI mode
  bugfix - spyce path trimmed to just filename when directory changed for
    CGI processing
  bugfix - spyce web server closes sockets

  spyce can now run as a (proxy) web server
    spyce -l [-p port] <server root>

  spyceDone exception to stop spyce processing
    raise spyceDone, see gif.spy, fileupload.spy examples
  response.close() deprecated
    not needed with spyceDone functionality
  cPickle used in session module
    improved session serialization performance

  redirect.externalRefresh now has url= in string
  internal redirect fixed
  bug fix - consecutive compact line removal now possible
  examples added: hello2.spy, form.spy
  handle ISINDEX CGI queries that have extra command-line parameters
  Status CGI header used for spyce redirect return codes

  bug - fixed cgi chdir in case of local directory
  request - invoke spyce engine programmatically with spyce string
  source tarball does not contain extra CVS junk

  fixed apache config bug in windows installer

  appended current Spyce file's directory to sys.path

  minor documentation tweaks
  names attribute added to [[.module ]] tag
  request.__getitem__() added
  chdir in cgi mode

  windows installer improved: apache configuration and restart
  fixed - handling of initial spaces in multi-line strings in python chunks

  red page marker in docs
  created undefined windows lock variables

 * Rimon Barr       Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science, Cornell University
 | barr@cs.cornell.edu - http://www.cs.cornell.edu/barr - Y!IM: batripler
 | Understanding is a kind of ecstasy.
 +----                                   -- Carl Sagan