ANN: SLiP and SLIDE - a quick XML shorthand syntax and tool for editing

Scott Sweeney
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:24:43 -0800


SLiP 0.1: a "Sorta Like Python" shorthand syntax for XML
SLIDE 0.1: a "Sorta Like an IDE" lightweight windows exe for SLiP editing
SLiPpy 0.1: a SLiP package for Python, including a SLiP->XML library
( and source for SLIDE (


	SLiP is a quick, alternative shorthand syntax for creating and editing XML
data by hand and if you know Python, it should also be familiar.  Great for
taking notes.


	* Less typing - provides a quicker and easier means for creating or editing

	* Easier to read - creates a pleasant layout for the data with indentation
and spacing

	* Benefits of XML - allow for hierarchical data, unlike tabbed or other
character delimited data files

	* Cheap - provides a free XML editing alternative

	* Editor-agnostic and Keyboard-oriented - provide a quicker, more
hacker-friendly way to create XML over point-and-click alternatives

	* Works in existing editors - most Python editors (IDLE, Scintilla, etc)
should accept and make working with this syntax easy


This portion of SLiP:


		#some random comment


			street(): "123 Sesame Street"
			city(): "Wonderland"
			state(): "CA"
			zipCode(): "90012"

				Please leave packages with Grouch
		 		in garbage can next door.


.. would convert to this XML:

	<my:addresses xmlns:my="">
		<!-- random comment -->
		<address type="home">
			<street>123 Sesame Street</street>

			Please leave packages with Grouch
			in garbage can next door.


I've created some free (MIT license) tools including a Python library for
translating between XML and SLiP (SLiPpy), a lightweight editor wrapper
(SLIDE), and some brief documentation - all available at the website,

This is my first release of these tools so they are a little rough and they
need more input, so let me know what you think.

Scott Sweeney


<P><A HREF="">SLiP</a> - a
"Sorta Like Python" shorthand for XML (3-Apr-2002).