[Application] ht2html

Barry Warsaw barry@python.org
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:55:10 -0400 (EDT)


The python.org web page generator

Yet another template-to-web page generator, this one is used to build
the python.org pages, along with www.jython.org, www.list.org,
barry.wooz.org, and many others.

This is version 1.2, cleaned up a bit, and Python-2.0-ified. Also, all
the documentation has been converted to use ht2html itself, so it
servers as its own example.

       URL:  http://barry.wooz.org/software/ht2html
  Download:  http://barry.wooz.org/software/Code/ht2html.tgz

   License:  Python Style
  Requires:  Python 2.0

  Categories:  Web

Barry Warsaw (barry@python.org)

<a href="http://barry.wooz.org/software/ht2html">ht2html</a> -- The
python.org web page generator