[Module] strptime 1.5

Parnassus Submission x@vex.net
Tue, 4 Sep 2001 18:51:56 -0400 (EDT)

                              strptime 1.5                              

strptime is a module that attempts to supplant Python's distributed
time.strptime() function

strptime is an attempt to write a pure Python implementation of
time.strptime(). It has support for creating your own locale settings.
All extracting of data from the time string is done with regexes which
can be edited by you to suit your needs.

       URL:  http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bac/Askewed_Thoughts/HTML/code/python.php3
  Download:  http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bac/Askewed_Thoughts/code/Python/Scripts/strptime.py

   License:  BSD Style

  Categories:  Python Tools/Extensions

Brett Cannon

1.5</a> -- strptime is a module that attempts to supplant Python's
distributed time.strptime() function