[Module] Wizard 1.1

Rich Salz rsalz@zolera.com
Fri, 18 May 2001 16:46:05 -0400 (EDT)

                               Wizard 1.1                               

Module for writing GUI "wizards"

Wizard is a Python module designed to make it easy to write GUI
"wizards". You know, those "enter your name, click NEXT" kinds of things
that you see all the time when using Microsoft products.

This update adds "dynamic sheets" so that application code can generate
display text on the fly. This is useful for last-chance "show what we're
going to do" pages.

       URL:  http://www.zolera.com/resources/opensrc

   License:  Open Source
       Gui:  Tkinter

  Categories:  GUI

Rich Salz (rsalz@zolera.com)

<a href="http://www.zolera.com/resources/opensrc">Wizard 1.1</a> --
Module for writing GUI "wizards"