ANN: VideoCapture 0.3 released

Markus Gritsch
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 18:09:00 +0200



What it is:
VideoCapture is a Python extension for Win32 which makes it possible
to access video-capture devices (e.g. a USB webcam).

What is new in version 0.3:
*) Included a precompiled binary of the low level module linked
   against Pyhton 2.1 (in addition to the one which was already there
   for Python 2.0).
*) Added a tool to periodically upload a WebCam-image to a WebServer
   via FTP.
*) Added a tool to monitor (and save in case of a change) a Picture
   located at a given URL.
*) More than one Device instance can be held open at the same time.
*) The location of the timestamp in the image is selectable.

I would like to put a list of Python-powered WebCam URLs together, so
please send me an email with the URL of the image or HTML page if you
use VideoCapture.

Markus Gritsch (

Enjoy and have fun!