[ANN] QuantLib-Python 0.1.9

Ferdinando Ametrano ferdinando@ametrano.net
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 18:16:53 +0200

QuantLib-Python is the SWIG Python wrap of QuantLib.
QuantLib (http://quantlib.org) is a C++ open source library for 
quantitative finance. Version 0.1.9 of the C++ library and the Python 
extension have been released two weeks ago.

QuantLib license is XFree86-style.

The QuantLib project is aimed to provide a comprehensive software framework 
for quantitative finance. The goal is to provide a standard 
free/open-source library to quantitative analysts and developers for 
modelling, trading, and risk management in real-life. The core library is 
written in C++ and currently exported as a Python module.
Modules are planned for other scripting languages, Excel, MatLab, etc.

QuantLib plans to offer tools that are useful for both practical 
implementation, with features such as market conventions, solvers, PDEs, 
etc., and advanced modelling, e.g., exotic options and interest rate models.

QuantLib is for academics and practitioners. The project is in alpha 
status, not ready for end-users yet but the time is right for major 
contributions to the design and the code base.

Please consider joining one of the available mailing lists:
quantlib-users http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/quantlib-users
quantlib-cvs http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/quantlib-cvs

Ferdinando Ametrano (ferdinando@ametrano.net)

<P><A HREF="http://quantlib.org">QuantLib-Python</A> - An open source 
library for quantitative finance. (19-Jun-01)</P>