MapIt! 1.0 - Webapplication for Rastermaps

Bernhard Herzog
08 Jun 2001 19:16:19 +0200

  MapIt! 1.0

MapIt! is a web-application that lets you navigate raster-maps through
your web-browser and lets you zoom in and out and select objects and
object classes that are identified on the map.

MapIt! is implemented in Python and uses the Python Imaging Library.

MapIt! is Free Software licensed under LGPL (GNU Library General Public

MapIt! can be integrated with a web-server in various ways: As
CGI-script, via fast CGI (Apache and Roxen Challenger) or with
mod_python (Apache).

MapIt! runs under various Unices (e.g. Linux) and some Windows versions
(we tested with Windows 98 and NT4).