[ANNOUNCE] M2Crypto 0.06

Ng Pheng Siong ngps@post1.com
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 23:39:50 +0800


I'm pleased to announce that M2Crypto 0.06 has been released.

- M2Crypto now works with (and requires) SWIG 1.3.6.

- ZServerSSL has been updated to work with Zope 2.4.0.

- Beginnings of unit tests for M2Crypto.SSL. (Uses fork/exec, so
  presently Unix only.)

Going forward, I'm aiming for the following:

- Better documentation
- XML-dsig implementation
- SRP implementation
- More unit tests of everything

Get M2Crypto here:


As usual, feedback is appreciated.

Ng Pheng Siong <ngps@post1.com> * http://www.post1.com/home/ngps

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.