pyCGNS v0.1 - A Python binding to CGNS

Marc Poinot
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:58:21 +0200

This is a very specialized package for Computational Fluid Dynamics.

The pyCGNS package is a proposal for a Python binding to the
CGNS libraries. These libraries are dedicated to the management of
a new Computational Fluid Dynamics database format.
The package includes both a wrapper on top of the ADF libraries,
and a wrapper on top of the SIDS (or CGNS) libraries. There is a set
of tests, demos and a tree parse tool, all written using pyCGNS
Python binding.
You can also find a little intro doc: pyCGNS-v0.1/Doc/

This package requires the Numerical Python package.

The package will be available on the anonymous ftp, at ONERA:

It will be avaible for 4 days (sorry, automatic garbage there...)
Send me an email if you want the package after this deadline.

 Marc POINOT             Alias: marcvs        Email:
 ONERA -MFE/DSNA/ELSA    Tel:  Info:
 29, Div. Leclerc        Fax:  Site:     
 92322 Chatillon FRANCE  Project: elsA        Web: