Fwd: idlefork - alpha release

StephenM.Gava StephenM.Gava
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 00:08:54 +1000

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Subject: idlefork - alpha release
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 23:53:55 +1000
From: Stephen M. Gava <elguavas@users.sourceforge.net>
To: idle-dev@python.org

Hello IDLErs,
just to let you know there is an alpha release of the current state of
IDLEfork now available.

This release is primarily to mark the finish of the merge of the current idle
cvs back into idlefork. A few things are broken, but if you want to play with
it or look at it it is available from the idlefork sourceforge page at:


Here are the relevant parts of README and NEWS for the new release:


IDLEfork is an official experimental fork of Python's Integrated
DeveLopment Environment IDLE. Worthwhile and successful changes and
additions will go back into the Python distribution's IDLE at some
later stage. There is no spanish inquisition.

As David Scherer aptly put it in the original IDLE fork README (below),
"It is alpha software and might be unstable. If it breaks, you get to
keep both pieces." One of the aims of IDLEfork now is for it to be able
to be uncompressed into its own directory and run from there, that way
you can play with (or hack on) IDLEfork without any further installation,
and entirely separately from your stable python IDLE distribution.

If you find bugs or undesired behaviour please code nifty patches and
submit them to the IDLEfork SourceForge patch manager, 8^) or let us
know about it in one of the appropriate fora. See the IDLEfork home
page at


for details on the various ways to give input to or contact the project.

Please see the files NEWS.txt and ChangeLog for more up to date
information on changes in this release of IDLEfork.

(For a more detailed change log, see the file ChangeLog.)

IDLEfork 0.8.1 (22 JUL 2001)
New tarball released as a result of the 'revitalisation' of the IDLEfork

This release requires python 2.1 or better. Compatability with earlier
versions of python (especially ancient ones like 1.5x) is no longer
a priority in IDLEfork development.

This release is based on a merging of the earlier IDLE fork work with
current cvs IDLE (post IDLE version 0.8), with some minor additional
coding by Kurt B. Kaiser and Stephen M. Gava.

This release is basically functional but also contains some known
breakages, particularly with running things from the shell window. Also
the debugger is not working, but I believe this was the case with the
previous IDLE fork release (0.7.1) as well.

This release is being made now to mark the point at which IDLEfork is
launching into a new stage of development.

IDLEfork CVS will now be branched to enable further development and
exploration of the two "execution in a remote process" patches submitted
by David Scherer (David's is currently in IDLEfork) and GvR, while
stabilisation and development of less heavyweight improvements (like
user customisation) can continue on the trunk.

Stephen M. Gava
"More power to those who don't care for it." - anon
