[Application] Canadian Movie Listing Finder v1.0

Rich Okopien okopien@cs.concordia.ca
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 19:34:03 -0500 (EST)

                   Canadian Movie Listing Finder v1.0                   

View movie listing information at theatres in 67 Canadian cities.

Created with the Python v2.0 scripting language, and the Tkinter GUI.
The Canadian Movie Listing Finder lets the you find movie listings for
67 Canadian cities. It will then show you every movie currently playing
in the selected city, and all the theatres in operation in that city.
Detailed information about a movie, its rating; playing time; cast; and
description can be viewed. the showtimes for a movie at every theatre in
the selected city can be viewed. And information about a theatre, and
all movies playing at that theatre can also be viewed.

       URL:  http://www3.sympatico.ca/destra/rich/portfolio.html
  Download:  http://www3.sympatico.ca/destra/rich/files/movie_listings_1_0.zip

   License:  Python Style
  Requires:  Python v2.0 +
       Gui:  Tkinter

  Categories:  Net Applications

Rich Okopien (okopien@cs.concordia.ca)

<a href="http://www3.sympatico.ca/destra/rich/portfolio.html">Canadian
Movie Listing Finder v1.0</a> -- View movie listing information at
theatres in 67 Canadian cities.