ANNOUNCE: PythonWorks Pro 1.3

Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:05:39 +0100

a pythonware newsflash:

    Secret Labs AB has released a new, much improved version of
    their integrated development environment for Python.

    PythonWorks is a rapid application development tool, designed
    for efficient development in Python. PythonWorks includes
    editors, a debugger, a user-interface design tool, project
    browser, deployment tools, integrated on-line help, and a
    scriptable environment.

    PythonWorks is well suited to many tasks, including:

    + Prototyping of user interfaces and full applications
    + Building test frameworks
    + Rapid development and deployment of complete applications
    + Cross-platform system administration (system automation)

    New features in 1.3 include Python 2.1.1 as internal
    run environment, expanded Jython/JPython support, automatic
    external run environment generation, greatly improved layout
    editor, pad splitting, numerous editor enhancements, new
    built-in functions (pychecker, diff, etc), new dialogues
    for project management, speed improvements, and a whole
    host of other refinements!

    An online version of Fredrik Lundh's "The Standard Python
    Library" is included in the PythonWorks Pro 1.3 help system.

    To learn more, visit the PythonWorks product site at:

    You can also mail us at

the pythonworks team

    "secret labs -- makers of fine pythonware since 1997"