[Application] mwsynth / 1.0

Parnassus Submission x@vex.net
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 15:40:59 -0400 (EDT)

                             mwsynth / 1.0                              

mwsynth converts a text file to speech using the pronounciation feature
of an online dictionary

mwsynth performs speech synthesis on the text in a given input file,
using the word pronounciation feature of an online dictionary. It
outputs a series of numbered .wav files, which when played in ascending
order, sound roughly like the text of the input file being spoken aloud.
A CR separated playlist is also generated, which can be used with XMMS
or WinAMP to easily play the files in the correct order.

This tool is not intended for serious use, and really just constitutes a
lighthearted attempt to demonstrate a mostly functional speech synthesis
system in ~80 lines or so of Python. Comments and questions are welcome,
although I don't intend to develop the application further.

       URL:  http://metro.yak.net:8080/mwsynth.html
  Download:  http://metro.yak.net:8080/mwsynth.py

   License:  GPL

  Categories:  Sound/Audio, Net Applications

Rupert Scammell

<a href="http://metro.yak.net:8080/mwsynth.html">mwsynth / 1.0</a> --
mwsynth converts a text file to speech using the pronounciation feature
of an online dictionary