ANNOUNCE: Newer 2.1 RPMs.

Sean Reifschneider
Sat, 21 Apr 2001 19:28:56 -0600

Not only did the last announcement contain errors, so did the package.
<sigh>  Here an updated announcement, use these ones instead of the 2.1-3
version.  IDLE now works as well.

If anyone wants to contribute to this project, I have a few ideas on how to
make an RPM verification tool.  ;-)



Through a quirk in RPM, the 2.1-2 RPMs still had pymalloc enabled.
I've added some work-arounds to resolve this.  Thanks to Ron Bickers
for pointing it out (and to Kevin Fenzi for the GHz Athlon box on which
I did a few dozen builds to come up with the work-around ;-).

Also new in this version is the "tools" sub-package, including the contents
of the "Tools" directory, and IDLE can be run via "/usr/bin/idle".
Thanks to Jason R. Mastaler for the -tools suggestion.

You can find the SRPM at:

And binaries for RedHat/KRUD 7.0 at:

where you'll find the packages:


NOTE: There are also "python-*" versions of these packages, which are
configured to install "/usr/bin/python" instead of "/usr/bin/python2".
Only pick up one of the "python2-*" or "python-*" package sets.

 Examine what is said, not who speaks.  (Arabian Proverb)
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python