[Module] PyWISARD

Parnassus Submission x@vex.net
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 05:33:23 -0400 (EDT)


A WISARD weightless neural network implementation.

PyWISARD is a WISARD implementation suitable to work with binary images
(PPM format). It contains a wisard neural network module in python, a
simple Tkinter GUI and a HTML presentation.

       URL:  www.geocities.com/iwickert/pywisard.html

   License:  GPL
       Gui:  Tkinter

  Categories:  Math, Misc

Iuri Wickert

<a href="www.geocities.com/iwickert/pywisard.html">PyWISARD</a> -- A
WISARD weightless neural network implementation.