[Application] maki

Sam Brauer sbrauer@users.sourceforge.net
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 15:48:57 -0400 (EDT)


mod_python handler to serve/process XML

The purpose of maki is to serve XML files via the web. A web developer
can specify that the XML data be processed or transformed through any
number of steps. Each step is either a stylesheet transformation or a
custom process. A processor that evaluates embedded Python code is
included. The output of each step is passed as the input to the next
step (similar to a Unix pipe). Additionally, the output of each
processor step can be cached for a user-specified time period. All
configuration is in a central XML file that specifies rules based on
matching paths against regular expressions.

       URL:  http://maki.sourceforge.net/

   License:  GPL
  Requires:  4Suite, mod_python

  Categories:  XML

Sam Brauer (sbrauer@users.sourceforge.net)

<a href="http://maki.sourceforge.net/">maki</a> -- mod_python handler to
serve/process XML