[fm] pybliographer 0.9.2

Markus Fleck fleck@informatik.uni-bonn.de
Sat, 25 Sep 99 02:17:57 GMT

  Pybliographer 0.9.2
  Fred - September 15th 1999, 08:18 EST

  Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases. It currently
  supports BibTeX (read/write), Ovid and Refer (read only) files, SGML
  DocBook (write only). It can be used for searching, editing, reformatting,
  etc, through its nice graphical interface for GNOME. Due to its nature, it
  can be extended to many uses (generating HTML pages according to
  bibliographic searches, etc). It is provided with sample scripts.

  0.8 Changes: Bugfixes and small improvements in the UI. 
  0.9.1 Changes: Restored HTTP/FTP protocol handling, added accelerator in
  Edition window (hit Escape to jump to the next field), and updated SGML
  DocBook generation. 
  0.7 Changes: Support for crossreferences and native edition in BibTeX,
  bugfixes, initial documentation. 
  0.9 Changes: Fixed a bug causing core dumps on some author entries,
  corrected @string entry syntax, possibility to sort also according to
  the entry key and additional configuration tests.
  0.9.2 Changes: This release fixes problems with the @comment fields, adds
  search capabilities on the keys and entry types, fixes a bug with the year
  fields, and adds a configuration option for people having threads problems
  (especially if the application locks up during searching or opening).

 Download: http://www.idiap.ch/~gobry/pybliographer/pybliographer-0.9.2.tar.gz
 Homepage: http://www.idiap.ch/~gobry/pybliographer.html

                   Author:Frederic Gobry
               Depends on:python glib recode gnome

copyright (c) 1999 scoop@freshmeat.net

<P><A HREF="http://www.idiap.ch/~gobry/pybliographer.html">Pybliographer
0.9.2</A> - a framework for managing bibliographic databases, such as BibTeX
files; now with improved SGML DocBook generation.  (15-Sep-99)

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