[fm] icepref 0.11

Markus Fleck fleck@informatik.uni-bonn.de
Sat, 25 Sep 99 02:04:02 GMT

  IcePref 0.11
  Dave Mortensen - September 10th 1999, 18:22 EST

  IcePref is a graphical configuration utility for the fast,
  light-weight, and stable window manager know as IceWM. Specifically,
  IcePref handles the options used by icewm 0.9.48, although it should be
  usable with most recent versions. It is written in python and uses the
  Gtk toolkit via the PyGTK bindings. It is currently capable of
  configuring most (all?) of the settings contained in the 'preferences'

  Changes: This release cleans up a few minor niggles and adds a feature
  which had been requested. IcePref now looks for the system wide version
  of the preferences file and copies it to the user's .icewm directory if
  the user does not yet have such a file. Barring major changes in IceWM,
  it will be the last release before the 1.0beta.

      Download: http://members.xoom.com/SaintChoj/icepref-0.11.tar.gz
      Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/SaintChoj/icepref.html

                  Author:Dave Mortensen

 copyright (c) 1999 scoop@freshmeat.net

<P><A HREF="http://members.xoom.com/SaintChoj/icepref.html">IcePref
0.11</A> - graphical configuration utility for the IceWM 0.9.48 window
manager for X11; needs PyGTK.  (10-Sep-99)

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