[fm] pagecast 2.0 alpha 1

Markus Fleck fleck@informatik.uni-bonn.de
Fri, 24 Sep 99 01:44:25 GMT

Pagecast 2.0 alpha 1
  Preston Landers - September 03rd 1999, 16:41 EST

  Pagecast submits lists of URL's to various search engines such as
  AltaVista, Infoseek, Excite, Google, etc to be indexed. It can run from
  the command-line or as a mail-robot (email a list of URL's to
  pagecast@yourmachine). It has a few advanced features such as the
  ability to rate a URL's keyword-to-title relevance and fix broken meta
  tags. Pagecast requires Python (with threading.)

  Changes: This is a development release not intended for casual users.
  Anyone who is interested in previewing the features that will be
  availible in version 2.x should check this out, but beware; few server
  definitions are implemented, but it should be easy enough to roll your
  own. Changes in this alpha release include full proxy support, plug-in
  server architecture, and preliminary groups support.

   Download: http://askpreston.com/projects/pagecast/pagecast-1.1.1.tar.gz
   Homepage: http://askpreston.com/projects/pagecast/index.html
  Changelog: http://askpreston.com/projects/pagecast/ChangeLog.txt

                  Author:Preston Landers
              Depends on:Python

copyright (c) 1999 scoop@freshmeat.net

<P><A HREF="http://askpreston.com/projects/pagecast/index.html">Pagecast
2.0 alpha 1</A> - submit lists of URLs to search engine spiders;
preview version for Pagecast 2.x release.  (03-Sep-99)

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