[fm] mcl 0.52.00

Markus Fleck fleck@informatik.uni-bonn.de
Fri, 24 Sep 99 01:23:01 GMT

mcl 0.52.00
  Erwin - August 28th 1999, 22:04 EST

  mcl is a MUD client running in a Virtual Console under Linux or using
  standard TTY routines under any other UNIX. Embedded Perl or Python
  offer very high tweakability. Other features include huge scrollback, a
  stable input line with the MUD prompt, Perl regexps for actions and

  Changes: Now supports Python as well as Perl for scripting, improved
  xterm key recognition, ZMUD-like speedwalks, better input line editing
  and various bug fixes.

      Download: http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/download.cgi?source
      Download: http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/download.cgi?binary
        Red Hat
      Packages: http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/download.cgi?rpm
      Homepage: http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/
     Changelog: http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/Changes

                  Author:Erwin S. Andreasen

copyright (c) 1999 scoop@freshmeat.net

<P><A HREF="http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/">mcl 0.52.00</A> - 
text-based MUD client for Linux/UNIX with support for Perl and
Python scripting.  (28-Aug-99)

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