[fm] wxPython 2.1b1

Markus Fleck fleck@informatik.uni-bonn.de
Wed, 07 Jul 99 01:20:30 GMT

  wxPython 2.1b1
  rogue - June 28th 1999, 20:49 EST

  wxPython is an extension module for Python that wraps the wxWindows
  cross platform GUI library, and is quickly becoming a very popular
  alternative to Tkinter and PythonWin. This extension module attempts to
  mirror the class hierarchy of wxWindows as closely as possible and is
  very versatile. It can be used to create standalone GUI applications,
  or can be used in in situations where Python is embedded in a wxWindows
  C++ application as an internal scripting or macro language. Currently
  supported GUIs are Win32 and GTK/X-Windows.

  Changes: Added the Printing Framework, Sizers, and a boatload of minor
  tweaks and fixes.


                  Author: Robin Dunn
                 License: OpenSource
                Category: Development/Python Modules

  Freshmeat copyright © 1999 scoop@freshmeat.net

<P><A HREF="http://alldunn.com/wxPython/">wxPython 2.1b1</A> - interface
to the wxWindows v2 free cross-platform GUI library; now includes
printing framework.  (28-Jun-99)

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