Python Essential Reference Bug Database (and challenge)

David Beazley
Tue, 07 Dec 99 19:54:34 GMT

*** Python Essential Reference Bug Challenge ***

I'm pleased to announce that in cooperation with New Riders
Publishing, a bug database for the recently released "Python Essential
Reference" has been established to help improve future printings and
editions.  To encourage feedback (and to make sure that I properly
repent for any errors :-), I'm going to give $10 to the PSA for each
error that is reported.  In addition, New Riders has agreed to match
my PSA donation and provide a complimentary copy of any of their
titles to people who report a problem.  Thus, this is a (hopefully not
too) easy way to give $20 to the PSA and get a free book out of the
deal on top of that.

Further details are available at
I'd also like to thank everyone who has purchased the book so far. A
second printing is scheduled for late December--your feedback
is important!



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