PIL 1.0 final - Python Imaging Library

PythonWare info@pythonware.com
Sat, 07 Aug 99 00:57:38 GMT

The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities
to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats,
and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.

PIL 1.0 final is now available from:


Changes since the last beta include faster text rendering, support
for using PIL as a package, mechanisms to hook into a standard Tkinter
build, better GIF encoding, incremental image decoding, and various
bug fixes.  see the README and CHANGES files for the full story.

PIL 1.0 is (as before) shipped under a Python-style license, and can be
used without fee also in commercial projects.  However, we encourage
commercial users to support our development efforts by purchasing a
support package; for details, see:


the PIL development team

<P><A HREF="http://www.pythonware.com/">Python Imaging Library 1.0</A>
- an image processing and graphics library for Python.  (06-Aug-99)

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