[Python-africa] Django Girls FUTA(Akure)

Akinkuotu Mercy godsownchild08 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 14:40:05 EDT 2016

Hi Everyone,
I am Akinkuotu Mercy, a python enthusiast, a student of the department of
computer science at the Federal University of Technology,Akure(FUTA),Ondo
State,Nigeria.Django Girls Lagos attendee and Django Girls FUTA organizer.
I was opportune to attend the Django girls Workshop in Lagos, I was so
delighted when I got the mail from Aisha Bello that I was accepted and
since then my journey with python and Tech as never remained the same.I
waited for the Lagos python  meetup after the workshop I was so inspired
when i saw people passionate about python. I fell in love with python when
i did it as a university course in my second year in school but then people
around see python as a language you should be able to code as long as you
can speak English or as a terrible programming  language because majority
of them that offers the course year in year out fails it. I saw these
people i was motivated and really got more interested in.
Then I applied to organize a django girls workshop in my school and it held
last weekend.During preparation there were ups and downs but at the end of
it all it was a wonderful experience.The girls are craving for more ,the
coaches were ever patient and ready to impact knowledge,the volunteers were
always at alert.
It was an awesome workshop and the talk of the day on Monday.Lest I Forget
I got a new name today Sister Django.
I will never forget the likes of Aisha Bello, Chukwudi Nwachukwu and
Eyitemi Egbejule.
Best Regards,
Akinkuotu Mercy(aka django queen)

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