[Python-africa] PyDay Zimbabwe

Humphrey hbutau at msn.com
Fri Aug 12 04:50:49 EDT 2016

Dear Pythonistas,

Just wanted to notify you that we will be holding a PyDay Zimbabwe event 
mid-November this year. We wanted to host a PyCon but we found out that 
the time we have is not enough to hold such an event. We have however 
settled for a one-day event which we have called PyDay Zimbabwe.

We are facing a mammoth task in making our event possible as we have 
just found out that we can no longer receive funding from the Python 
Software Foundation. We were organizing Django Girls Masvingo, and we 
received an email from the P.S.F in which they said they could no longer 
sponsor our event as our country, Zimbabwe is under sanctions from the 
United States Government. This has left us in a very difficult position 
as we held the P.S.F to be one of our most reliable backers. This is 
even worse as it implies that we might not even get help from American 

In light of the above i am appealing for help from anyone on this forum, 
on how we can get other sponsors, even from outside the U.S. We don't 
want to kill the momentum that was created  PyCon Namibia 2016.

We are looking for help to cover the costs of running the event and 
'maybe' even bringing a Keynote speaker from the region or  beyond. let 
me hasten to say that we are not looking for financial support only. We 
would also appreciate in the form of ideas, logistics, or even with our 
website which is provisionally at PyDay Zimbabwe <https://pyzim.github.io/>

If you can help in any way please get in touch with us at the following 
email: zim.pycon at gmail.com.




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