[Python-3000] [Python-Dev] Not releasing rc1 tonight

wesley chun wescpy at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 02:34:59 CEST 2008

>> Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>> I'm not going to release rc1 tonight.
>>> I'd like to try again on Friday and stick to rc2 on the 17th.
> There are 8 open release blockers, a few of which have patches that need
> review.  So I think we are still not ready to release rc1.  But it worries
> me because I think this is going to push the final release beyond our
> October 1st goal.

the goal is admirable, but unless there are paying sponsors that
require this deadline be met, i'd suggest that we can push the
releases until they're ready.  the changes that 2.6 and 3.0 bring are
too major to be released before they are ready for primetime.

also, there hasn't been a beta3 download available for Win users
(aside from the developers who can build it) since Martin has been on
vacation... they will effectively be leapfrogged from b2 directly to
rc1. i think he comes back tomorrow, so if rc1 really is going out
soon, would it make sense for him to make b3 MSI files too?

just my $0.02,

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