[Python-3000] Exception re-raising woes

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri May 30 11:51:45 CEST 2008


I'm surprised that nobody except Robert Brewer reacted to my proposal. The two
relevant bugs (#2507 and #2833) have been marked respectively as "critical" and
"release blocker", so I thought at least some people felt concerned :-)

Should I wait a bit for people to react and give a qualified opinion, or should
I assume one of the following implicit answers (and if so, which one!):

- we don't really care about re-raising, just fix #2507 the simple way so that
exception state is properly cleaned up
- we must fix both #2507 and #2833 in a clean way, and your proposal looks fine
- we must fix both #2507 and #2833 in a clean way, but your proposal is
completely bogus



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