[Python-3000] the release gods are angry at python

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 07:21:04 CET 2008

The next releases of 2.6/3.0 are planned for April 2, just over a week
from now.  There is much work that needs to be done.  The buildbots
are in a pretty sad state and the gods are seeing too much red.


See my other mail that discusses the stable buildbots.  The criteria
for release is that all the stable buildbots are passing all the
tests.  So we really gotta get these green before Barry notices.  You
don't want to see Barry angry.  You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

I propose a code chill for new features.  Changes to doc and tests can
continue as usual.  However, only submit a new feature *after* you fix
a broken test first.  If we have to get draconian, we can start
breaking fingers when you break a test just like we do at work. :-)

Specifically tests that need some TLC are:
 * test_winsound
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/x86%20XP-3%20trunk/builds/1166/step-test/0
 * test_threading - test_no_refcycle_through_target
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/x86%20XP-3%20trunk/builds/1166/step-test/0
 * test_socket deadlocks and times out
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/x86%20W2k8%20trunk/builds/210/step-test/0
 * test_ssl deadlocks and times out
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/S-390%20Debian%20trunk/builds/255/step-test/0
 * test_xmlrpc transient socket errors
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/g4%20osx.4%20trunk/builds/3101/step-test/0
 * test_mailbox
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/x86%20XP-3%203.0/builds/723/step-test/0
 * test_asynchat
    - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/alpha%20Tru64%205.1%20trunk/builds/2756/step-test/0

Hopefully test_timeout is fixed, but that might be flaky too.  There
have been other tests that have also been flaky like  test_asynchat,
test_smtplib, test_ssl, test_urllib2net, test_urllibnet,
test_xmlrpc_net and some of the tests that use  networking.  These all
need to be fixed so the tests are 100% reliable and only fail when
there is a real error.

There are currently no release blocker issues:

There are 48 critical issues:


If you believe any issue should block the release, set the priority to
release blocker and assign it to me (nnorwitz).  Many of the critical
issues are those that require 2to3 fixers.  These can be checked in as
they are written.  Be sure to test them thoroughly and try to think of
all the conditions that could possibly cause the fixer to fail or do
the wrong thing.

Right now, I don't know of any reason to hold up the release other
than the failing tests.


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