[Python-3000] u'text' as an alias for 'text'?

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 11:45:41 CET 2008

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>  3 is not an option, and isn't going to be an option.

I know the Python 3000 project started with the attitude of not having
any backwards compatibility to be able to start at a blank slate. But
since then the compatibility set has increased so far that 3 now could
be an option with very little effort.

3 *should* be an option, as well. Loads of software, in particular the
whole Plone community, which is a significant part of the Python user
base, will struggle very hard if 3 is not an option. But this
discussion *has* been beaten to death. 3 should be an option, and it
is an option, if u'' gets supported.

Lennart Regebro: Zope and Plone consulting.
+33 661 58 14 64

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