[Python-3000] Question to _users_ -- about over all perceptions/feelings

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Jun 21 16:19:36 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 21, 2008, at 7:56 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Linda W. wrote:
>> But *some* of thei things that may have attracted people to python  
>> or perl in the first place may be items replaced.  Prints are no  
>> longer builtin statements, but functions in standard function  
>> format.  Tends to 'unbeautify' the code a bit.  A few other   
>> regularizing features have a similar effect, perhaps adding extra  
>> line-noise syntax where none was needed before...
> Care to give any examples of 'unbeautifying' other than the print  
> statement -> print function conversion?
> As to what I think will happen with adoption of Python 3... I think  
> 2.x and 3.x will coexist quite happily for a number of years (at  
> least until a 2.7 release, possibly even a 2.8).

At Pycon we discussed a model where there will be several lockstep 3.x  
and 2.x releases for the next few years.  Each time the focus for the  
2.x series will be to get closer and closer to 3.x while still  
maintaining backward compatibility.  Not that we have a specific plan  
on how to do this, but the idea is that at some point, it will be as  
easy to upgrade from 2.9 to 3.3 as it would be to upgrade to a 2.10.   
I know Guido hopes there will never /be/ a 2.10 but if it's called  
3.3, well... :)

So yes, I think we are going to have 2.x and 3.x living harmoniously  
for several years to come.

- -Barry

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