[Python-3000] [Python-ideas] Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Feb 6 21:28:25 CET 2008

At 07:38 PM 2/6/2008 +0100, Christian Heimes wrote:
>The first line of the file is read and parsed. The line must start with
>a shebang (#!). Contrary to your script it doesn't look for a complete
>path but searches for pythonX.Y. "#!python2.5" or "#!/usr/bin/python2.5"
>both work.
>Then the launcher executable queries the installation path of Python X.Y
>from the registry (first HKCU, then HKLM). At last the script is
>executed with the Python binary: python.exe for .py and pythonw.exe for
>.pyw. The working directory is the absolute path of spam.exe. This way
>we neither have to change the paths for Windows scripts nor quote the
>path name.

I intentionally didn't do it that way because it won't work right for 
Python applications that bundle their own not-in-the-registry Python. 

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