[Python-3000] PEP 3108 - stdlib reorg/cleanup

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Tue Apr 29 07:18:41 CEST 2008

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Bill Janssen <janssen at parc.com> wrote:
> Nice job, Brett.  I only have two concerns:
>  As you don't quite note, the Mac "ic" module is the interface to the
>  "Internet Configuration" system on the Mac.  In particular, it's where
>  proxy information is drawn from.  We need to have that replacement
>  code in hand before "ic" is jettisoned.  You allude to that, but with
>  no detail.  I'd like to hear the detail.

I talked with Ronald and someone on the macpython list agreed to write
a simple proxy module to replace it for urllib. So there will be a

>  > * mhlib
>  >
>  >  + Obsolete mailbox format.
>  The "mh" format is far from obsolete; in fact, it's (weirdly enough)
>  coming back into popularity as modern indexing engines start requiring
>  a one-message-per-file mail format.  And as modern file systems allow
>  that.  Systems like "nmh" and "Sylpheed" are under active development
>  and corresponding use.  I would take the code from the current "mhlib"
>  module that manipulates ".mh_profile" and mailbox-specific context and
>  add it to the "mailboxes.MH" module before dumping it.

That's fine by me. The individual module just doesn't need to stick around.


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