[Python-3000] longobject.c and Windows x64

Trent Nelson tnelson at onresolve.com
Tue Apr 15 08:59:55 CEST 2008

> Shall I check in a fix?

Be my guest (I take it you'll address the original PyLong_FromSsize_t/FromSize_t issue that I posted a patch for, right?).



        From: Mark Dickinson [mailto:dickinsm at gmail.com]
        Sent: 15 April 2008 01:30
        To: Trent Nelson
        Cc: Python 3000
        Subject: Re: [Python-3000] longobject.c and Windows x64

        On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Trent Nelson <tnelson at onresolve.com> wrote:

                Yeah, that's the 'wrong' part I was referring to.  I guess I wanted to bring that issue up as well as question the actual implementation.  For example, if we fixed the if statement, we'd having something looking like:

                PyObject *
                PyLong_FromSsize_t(Py_ssize_t ival)
                      Py_ssize_t bytes = ival;
                      int one = 1;

                      if (ival < PyLong_BASE && ival > -PyLong_BASE)

                              return PyLong_FromLong(ival);
                      return _PyLong_FromByteArray(
                                      (unsigned char *)&bytes,
                                      SIZEOF_SIZE_T, IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 1);

                I don't understand why we'd be interested in testing for the PyLong_FromLong() shortcut, then reverting to _PyLong_FromByteArray(), when we know we're always going to be dealing with a Py_ssize_t.  Speed?  Safety?  Cut and paste that went awry?  Why not just call the correct PyLong_FromLong(Long)() depending on sizeof(size_t) and be done with it?

        The extra tests aren't in the trunk version of longobject.c;
        It looks to me as though they're the result of merging
        the 2.x longobject.c and intobject.c to produce the 3.0

        I also notice that  _PyLong_FromByteArray
        doesn't do a CHECK_SMALL_INT, while PyLong_FromLong
        does.  Perhaps this is the reason for the extra test?

        I agree it would be simpler to just use PyLong_FromLong

        or PyLong_FromLongLong.

                Surely, if we're guarding properly with #error in the case where sizeof(size_t) not in (sizeof(long), sizeof(Py_LONG_LONG)), reusing existing methods that do exactly what we want to do would be better than mimicking them?

        Fair enough.  My twisted mind was trying to find ways that size_t

        might be something other than long or long long, but that
        seems unlikely...

                Ah, interesting.  Stepped through PyLong_FromLong via the following:

                Python 3.0a4+ (py3k, Apr 14 2008, 18:44:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
                Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
                >>> import _testcapi as t
                >>> t.getargs_l(t.LONG_MIN)
                >>> t.getargs_l(t.LONG_MIN+1)

                When ival == LONG_MIN, the 'ival = -ival' statement doesn't have any effect on the value of ival, it stays as LONG_MIN.  (With LONG_MIN+1 though, ival does correctly get cast back into the positive realm...)  This isn't causing a problem (at least not on Windows) as ival's cast to an unsigned long later in the method -- I wonder if all platforms/compilers silently ignore 'ival = -ival' when at LONG_MIN though...

        Right:  I think it's technically undefined behaviour (a signed arithmetic overflow)
        that nevertheless ends up doing the right thing on most (all?) compilers.  I think
        it should be fixed.  Something like (untested)

        if (ival < 0) {
            t = (unsigned long)(-1-ival) + 1;
        else {
            t = (unsigned long)ival;

        should be safe from overflow (including on machines with a ones' complement
        or sign-magnitude representation of negative integers---do any such machines
        exist any more?).

        Shall I check in a fix?


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