[Python-3000] Add python-3000-like print function to python 2.6

David A. Wheeler dwheeler at dwheeler.com
Tue Oct 16 20:43:05 CEST 2007

In Python 2.6, could some print FUNCTION be added to the builtins, using a different name than "print" but with the Python 3000 semantics?  Call it printfunc or whatever.

Python 3000 is undergoing much pain so that print can become a function. How about making those benefits available sooner than 3.0, so that we can use them earlier?  Obviously people can create their own such function, but having a STANDARD name for it would mean that 2to3 could easily automate that translation.  Plus, it'd help people get used to the idea of a printing _function_.

--- David A. Wheeler 

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