[Python-3000] print() flushing problem.

Wojciech Walczak wojtek.gminick.walczak at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 19:16:01 CET 2007

2007/11/7, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>:
> There's clearly a bug somewhere, maybe several. Can you file a bug
> report at bugs.python.org, clearly stating the expected behavior and
> the observed behavior, preferably with sample code? Studying the
> source code and providing a patch would be much appreciated as well!

Got it! Please, take a look at my patch. It's in the attachment. I am
still digging in the source, but I think that I have found the core of
the bug.
Without that patch "ret=sys.stdout.write('x')" acts in the same way as
print('x',end=''), which is - it prints nothing. After applying the
patch it is allright for both sys.stdout.write() and for print().

Wojtek Walczak
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